28 August 2009

eCollege Anonymous

Not that I'm addicted to eCollege [shudder], but I could use some group therapy about Gradebook. I've never used it before, and I'm finding it just as miserable as I feared it would be. Does anyone have tips for minimizing the pain?

In exchange, I'll swap ya for a suggestion about using the assignment sections for general feedback---I'm experimenting with posting my observations about the general trends right on the assignment page. (Then I let the class know about it via e-mail.) I'm hoping that this will be a way to better support students who want the feedback, w/o losing too much time on students who are less interested.


Laura said...

Hmmm. I am now rethinking my desire to use Gradebook. I would suggest that you talk to Joel Overall - I talked to him about Gradebook during our Mystery Burrito Breakfast, and he seems to know exactly what he's doing with it.

I, on the other hand, am perpetually frightened of the Gradebook feature.

Scot said...

Thanks, Laura! (off-screen) Oh, Joel....