17 August 2009

YouTube Posts to Complement Assignments.

I learned today in the "Beyond the Basics" eCollege workshop that we should not have blank pages on our eCollege unit tabs. I confess I was guilty of having a blank page on each unit tab, which I labeled "Portfolio One," etc. Therefore, I decided to post YouTube videos on each of those units (listed below). I chose to embed my videos within the page. To do this, you simply click on the "Author" view of the unit, post your heading, then scroll down and change the view to "html" and paste the Youtube embed code and "save." The YouTube code is to the right of the video. If you click the star next to the code, you can choose the color of border--make sure you unclick "Include related videos," as you cannot be sure what will pop up afterwards.

Personal essay
Discovery essay
Profile essay
Argument essay

The Personal Essay video--make sure to watch it until the end.

1 comment:

Dr. CH said...

Thanks so much for sharing these resources and ideas!