From the page where the college chair dialogues with the high school chair, I was happy to find a link to more info about how the academy explains to the 'little leagues' what they do. (Of course, since it's a 1997 conversation at stake, I wonder how much things have changed.) Anyways, the final sentence of said explanation highlights the goal of writing: "to keep the readers reading".
I like that thought. It's as simple and insightful as the line "a writer writes" by Anne Lamott...or whoever that was. The idea of keeping the reader reading probably stands out to me b/c today in 20803 we talked about how the first argument you have to make is, "Hey--you should listen to what I have to say here."
And assuming you get that far (assuming I've gotten that far right now), then it's the perilous trek of keeping that attention, directing it to what you hope will convince. How do you keep the readers reading? Maybe the grant-writer-special-speaker tomorrow will have the silver bullet.